You have no idea what it means for me to be very mean. You think you do, but so far only strict and slightly cruel have been your experiences. Tonight you will find out the difference between me and them. Her voice drifted through the phone to him. Even though he waited for days, ever since he dialed the number, the one the professional dominatrix he visited gave him, he did not expect this.
The Mistress who had given him the number had been too kind from the very beginning, though both had tried to make the relationship work. As a result, after a few false starts, they’d settled into a routine. That routine never really worked for either of them. He’d wanted someone to be truly cruel and uncaring. She, on the other hand, while strict, was not that. She was domineering, but interested in him enjoying the experience as well. That was where it all fell apart.
I don’t want someone to care if I enjoy it. In fact, I need her to not care. I need her to do as she pleases. To order me to do as she pleases and not think of my excitement at all. I am never one to top from the bottom, like so many other submissive men. It was difficult when she asked questions like, “What do you like?” It made him uncomfortable, not truly feeling worthy of answering that. Instead, he shrugged. That frustrated her. Finally, she just left the room and came back with a number.
He’d taken the slip of red paper she thrust in his direction, fingers trembling, as she explained that if he wanted cruel, fine. Call this Mistress and you will have cruel. Then she ordered him out of her home. Away from the magnificent dungeon with its props and out into the world, again. He’d dialed the number from his cell phone as he walked out of her place and down the street. He left a message in response to the automated voice that said, “Here you are. Now, entertain me.” Well, he was certain that his message was not entertaining. Lots of stops and starts, ums and pauses, while he told her his story. He explained his hopes, how he got her number, and that he hoped she would take him on as her slave.
Days passed and he heard nothing. Then it happened. It was getting dark when he started out, per her instructions. The weather on the coast was wet, even when it was dry. Consequently, he knew he’d be damp and cold as he walked to the address she gave him. It was over five miles from his home, out on the coast where there were no streetlights to guide him.
Her first instruction had been to walk. She made it clear she would know if he cheated in any way. Her voice convinced him that if he even tried to hop on the bus, she would find out and make him sorry for doing it. Though that held a certain appeal, as well, he wasn’t sure what she would do. And he didn’t want her reaction to be to tell him to get the fuck away.
The house was huge and she left him waiting outside long enough that it seemed like she may not be home. Had him walk all the way down the coastal highway, only to not be there at all. But, she was there and the moment he saw her, he knew she was a different kind of woman. She didn’t ask him any questions, just began issuing orders for him to remove his clothing and then she inspected him.
When he spoke, she ignored him completely, finally shoving a ball gag into his mouth when he tried to get some kind of kudos from her, for doing just as he was told. “Following instructions is expected, not rewarded.” That was the only thing she said to let him know she heard him. By the end of the night, he wished she hadn’t heard anything at all. Eventually, he regretted the prideful boasting about his ability to follow instructions. Further, he learned that, really, he had often expected to top from the bottom, and that complete submission was something he hadn’t experienced before this.
I’ve experienced it now, though. The cruelty of a Mistress who truly does not care if I want to do as she asks, but only expects me to do it. A real, honest to goodness Mistress of Mean. To take control, take over and make sure I never forget who is in charge.